- «5 vor 12» – the RWTH Science Night, Aachen
- «AdventureTechnologyDay» of the initiative Faszination Technik, Heilbronn
- Arbeiterwohlfahrt, subdistrict Ruhr-Mitte
- «Astronomical Adventure Day» in Kloster Frenswegen, Nordhorn
- «Akademie 6-99», Arnsberg
- ARD/KI.KA-Tigerentenclub: «The Top 10 coolest Experiments»
- Auswärtiges Amt (AA) – Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA)
- Baden-Württemberg Literature-Reading-Festival «Frederick Day»
- Bangkok International Book Fair
- libraries Europe-wide
- education fair «didacta»
- Blind- and visually impaired association district Kleve e. V. „Die Blindgänger”
- Bonn Science Night
- Book stores nationwide
- CD-Kaserne, Celle
- German evangelic Churchday
- German embassy Bangkok
- German embassy Moskau
- German embassy Washington
- German Electron-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg
- German museum Bonn (DMB)
- „The Series with the Mouse (Audio)“
- «Erfurt autumn harvest»
- Europaschool Luxembourg
- «experimenta» – Science Center of the region Heilbronn-Franken, Heilbronn
- «Experiments³-Reasercher's Day for Teachers of Elementary Schools», Frankfurt of the Main, from the Hessischen Kultusministeriums (HKM) and the Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) Hessen
- «Explore Science», Mannheim
- «explorhino» Science Center, Aalen
- Festival «Science & You», Nancy/ Lothringen
- Researcher factory (Researcher factory), Schorndorf
- «Researcher's Day» in Bad Krozingen
- «Forum Sciencecommunication», Berlin
- Frankfurt book fair
- women's department of the state of Upper Austria
- Community Reinsdorf, Sachsen
- Community German American School Association Of Northern California (GASANC)
- «Girls‘ Day» and project «PowerGirls», Linz/ Upper Austria
- Goethe-Institut Amman
- Goethe-Institut Argentinien
- Goethe-Institut Bangalore
- Goethe-Institut Bangkok
- Goethe-Institut Bosnien und Herzegowina
- Goethe-Institut Boston
- Goethe-Institut Chennai
- Goethe-Institut Chicago
- Goethe-Institut Istanbul
- Goethe-Institut Kasachstan
- Goethe-Institut Kolkata
- Goethe-Institut Moskau
- Goethe-Institut Mumbai
- Goethe-Institut Neu Delhi
- Goethe-Institut New York
- Goethe-Institut Perú
- Goethe-Institut Prag
- Goethe-Institut Pune
- Goethe-Institut San Francisco
- Goethe-Institut Slowenien
- Goethe-Institut Vilnius
- Goethe-Institut Warschau
- Goethe-Institut Washington
- Hamburg Readingfestival «side-entrants»
- «Hot to Read», Baden-Württemberg
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG)
- «High Voltage Spring reading days», Hamburg
- «Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)»
- «Idea Park» by ThyssenKrupp, Hannover, Stuttgart and Essen
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of (IHK) of Oberfranken Bayreuth
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) of Berlin
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) of Ulm
- international Children's book exhibition (IKiBu), Duisburg
- KIBUM ‒ Children's book fair Oldenburg
- KIBUM ‒ Children's book fair Ulm
- Children University in Duisburg & Essen
- Warehouse Osnabrück
- state horticultural show NRW
- Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg (LISUM)
- Teacher-Workshop with the VDI-Bezirksverein Rheingau e. V.
- Leipzig book fair / «Leipzig reads!»
- «LeseLust» ‒ Children- and teen-book-Festival in Südwestfalen
- international literature festival «lit.COLOGNE», Colonge
- international literature festival «lit.RUHR»
- «Literarischer Bilderbogen» Ostprignitz-Ruppin
- Lüneburg Children- and Teen Book Week
- Märkisch learn-festival in Hagen
- Mathematics, Gießen
- MINT-join in Day district Gütersloh
- Munich book show junior
- «Night of the Creative Heads», Brandenburg technical university Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU)
- National Science and Technology Fair, Bangkok
- NRW-Day in Paderborn and Wuppertal
- Ostfalia University for applied Science, Wolfenbüttel
- PACT Zollverein, Essen
- Paderborn Science Day
- Park theater Iserlohn
- PHÄNOMENTA Lüdenscheid
- Philharmonie Cologne
- Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
- Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
- Regierungspräsidium Tübingen
- «Ries Summer-Readingfestival for Children and Teenager», Nördlingen
- Schools nationwide
- Schools in Poland
- Schools in Russia (Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Moscow and Ufa)
- Schools in Thailand (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phitsanulok and Phuket)
- Schools in the Czech Republic
- Schools in the USA (Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C., Washington State, West Virginia und Wisconsin)
- «Science Days» and «Science Days (for Children)», Europa-Park Rust
- Science Festival, Luxembourg
- «Science on Stage», Berlin
- SINUS-Transfer elemantary school
- Sparkassen foundation Starkenburg
- Foundation education pact Bavaria
- Foundation «House of the Little Scientists», Berlin
- Southwestfalia Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Hagen (SIHK)
- Foundation monastery Frenswegen, Nordhorn
- «Street of Experiments», Gießen
- «Day of Aerospace», German Aerospace Center e. V. (DLR), Porz
- «Day of Curiosity», Forschungszentrum Jülich
- «Knowledge for Little Scientists Days» in Freiburg
- Technoseum Mannheim
- Thai Public Broadcast Service (Thai PBS)
- Technical University Dortmund
- Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
- Universum® Bremen
- Westphalia Central Business Association e. V., Arnsberg
- VDI-Student forum, Frankfurt on the Main
- VDI-Student forum, Münster/ Westf.
- WDR-Children's radio channel (KiRaKa), since 2001
- Commnuity colleges nationwide
- World children's day in Colonge on the Rhein shore
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Colonge
- «Knowledge is cool», Darmstadt
- Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) des Auswärtigen Amtes (AA)
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